The Rotary Club of Almaden Valley, chartered in 1969, has 25 to 30 men and women representing a cross-section of local businesses and professions. The Rotary Club of Almaden Valley recently changed their official name to the Rotary Club of Almaden Valley - Willow Glen. The club meets at Rookie's Sports Lodge and on Zoom from Noon to 1:15 pm each Thursday for fellowship, and interesting and informative programs dealing with topics of local and global importance. The club is a member of Rotary District 5170 comprised of 60 clubs and approximately 4000 members.
Almaden Valley Rotary is very proud of:
- 100% Paul Harris Fellows as a goal
- Sponsor of six Interact clubs,
Oak Grove, Valley Christian, Branham, Pioneer, Leland and UPA
- Sponsor of Camp RYLA students
- Sponsor of Speech contest candidates
- Support of local Boy Scout Eagle Projects
The Rotary International President is Stephanie Urchick, Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA
The International theme, The Magic of Rotary, 2024-25
President Ken Tavernier announced his board as elected for the year 2023-2024
- President-Elect: Glenn Belshaw
- Past President:
- Treasurer: Miles Yamamoto
- Rotary Foundation: John Baker
- International Service: Bill Bynum
- Youth Services: Emilie Highley/Wendy Marioni
- Community Service: Bob Carlson
- Club Administration: Jerry Gibson
- Secretary: Jerry Gibson
- Membership:
- Social Chairman: Jessie Consentino/Ken Tavernier
- Grapevine Editor: Gregg Consentino
- Program Chair: Fred Brew/Dave Olson
- Sergeant of Arms: Bob Gloye
- Website: Jerry Gibson
The Rotary Club of Almaden Valley presently meets at Rookies Sports Lodge on Meridian and on ZOOM every Thursday from 12:00 to 1:15pm.
Click here for Zoom Meeting Info to sign in and/or order lunch. |
A detailed Calendar of all events and meetings going on at the club:
- Cassie Kifer, Author, 2/13
- Robert McQuirk, Travel in Australia, 2/20
- Sage Hopkins, SJSU Ladies Swim Coach, 2/27
- Michelle Pualuan, Burning Man, 3/6
- Marl MacDonald, SJSU Deputy AD, 3/13
- Karen Philbrick, Mineta Transportation, 3/20 Gina Tribali, SJ Police Deputy Chief, 3/27
The current GRAPEVINE is a capsulation of last week's meeting and any other goings on. And click Here for the past Grapevines. |
Our history is chronicled in AVWGRC Activities which include all of our past and present events. |