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VIDEO of the Almaden Valley-Willow Glen Rotary Club celebrating the New Year at Mexico Lindo on January 19th.

Michelle Peacock, Global Head of Public Policy for Waymo, presented at our regular meeting of January 16th. Michelle's career has centered on building and growing government relations programs for large, small, established and startup companies in financial services, high tech and transportation.
VIDEO of Gretchen Feyer's presentation of Broadway San Jose at our regular meeting on January 9th Gretchen is the General Manager of Broadway San Jose where Silicon Valley finds the New York Broadway Theater Experience. Performances take place at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, an historic 2,677 seat theater in the middle of Downtown San Jose. Whether you live in here or are visiting our city for business; whether you are with someone special for a romantic weekend or here with the whole family, Broadway San Jose has the theater tickets and special added experiences for the Broadway shows you want to see.

A couple of birthdays for two of our club ladies
Southside Senior Luncheon
Willow Glen Senior Luncheon
Christmas families wrap party at our regular meeting of December 5th.

VIDEO of Stephen Samuel speaking about the U.S. Tech Education Center at our regular meeting of November 21st. USTEC supports current and returning veterans along with underserved communities. The unique program is accessible and beneficial to veterans with disabilities. Stephen is also dedicated to increasing and diversifying the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pipeline by providing rapid workforce-based Computer Aided Design training.
VIDEO of Ben Leech of the Preservation Action Council of San Jose speaking at our regular meeting of November 14th. The Preservation Action Council of San Jose was founded in 1990 and is a dynamic nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to preserving our unique and diverse architectural and cultural heritage. Through advocacy, education, and civic engagement, the Council promotes historic preservation as an essential tool for fostering equitable, distinctive, sustainable, and prosperous communities.
VIDEO of Mark Purdy, Sports Journalist/Author, presentation to our regular meeting on November 7th. Mark reported on the NFL for 43 years, including coverage of the San Francisco 49ers for 31 years as a columnist at the San Jose Mercury News before retiring in 2017. He was honored by both the Associated Press and the Wall Street Journal for writing one of America’s top 10 sports columns. He and Dr. Fitzgerald Hill wrote Crackback!, analyzing the challenges faced by Black college football coaches.
VIDEO of an Interact Park Project on Sunday, October 27th. A group of Interact volunteers came out and made a big effort in planting trees and laying bark. A big thank you to Waite Consentino for literally burning the late night oil and smoking ribs and BBQ'ing chicken for an OCC thank you to the volunteers who help OCC put together packages each week.
Lucy Hsu, World Traveler spoke at our regular meeting on October 24th. She has officially visited 193 nations and joined the elite ranks of humans who have visited every nation on Earth which is the number of nations that are members of the United Nations.
Italian Festa at ASRC
District Governor, Jill Deurig, visit to our regular meeting of October 17th but at the Edith Morley Park.

VIDEO of Pastor Ralph Olmos, Lighthouse Food Rescue and Distribution (LFRAD) presentation at our regular meeting of October 3rd. Pastor Ralph Olmos spearheaded the creation of LFRAD in 2020. In 2021, LFRAD officially opened their food pantry to the public as a non-profit organization. The organization operates as a free farmer’s market-style store, adhering to the poor and unhoused needs. Lighthouse Food Rescue & Distribution throughout the years has obtained multiple partnerships and gained the trust of the community.
VIDEO of Edith Morley Park Workday consisting of 16 Interactors from 4 of the Interact Clubs, UPA, Oak Grove, Del Mar and Silver Creek that are sponsored by the Almaden Valley-Willow Glen Rotary Club worked together to refinish the picnic tables at Edith Morley Park On Sunday September 30th They were joined by a handful of our West Valley RCC members as well as AVWGRC members.
VIDEO of Chris Shay, San Jose Sharks SVP of Government Affairs presentation at our regular meeting of September 26th. Chris comes to Sharks Sports and Entertainment after a 25-year career that has spanned time at three Bay Area universities - Stanford, Santa Clara University and San Jose State University.
VIDEO of Deb Kramer, Executive Director of Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful at our meeting of September 19th. Deb has been involved with Coyote Creek since 2014. Our vision is that Coyote Creek is a resilient ecosystem for all living things to enjoy. Our mission is to Engage, Educate and Encourage – Bringing communities together to take action for, learn about and play along a healthy Coyote Creek.
VIDEO of Campbell Veterans Memorial Foundation presentation at our weekly meeting on September 12th. The Mission is to honor and support all veterans, to raise awareness of their contributions, and to provide support for their families. They accomplish this mission by fundraising to provide resources to veterans & their families, providing information on Veteran resources, and maintaining the Campbell Veterans Memorial in Campbell, CA. .
VIDEO of Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Supervisor District 2 presentation at our weekly meeeting on September 9th. Cindy represents 500,000 residents in District 2. This is the most densely populated of the five supervisorial districts and includes portions of central, eastern, and southern San Jose. She was sworn into office in August 2013 following a special election and has been re-elected twice to full terms.
Adrian Rafizadeh of Back to Basic Community Group presented at our weekly meeting of August 29th. Back to Basics is a community group designed to hold local government accountable for delivering real results on the basic issues that affect all of us. They believe in a city that can hire enough well-trained police officers to keep our neighborhoods safe. They believe in building the safe and decent shelter we need for all our unhoused residents and then requiring all of our homeless neighbors to come indoors. They believe in focusing on the basics like clean streets, a strong economy, and a government that works better for everyone. https://backtobasicssj.com is the Back to Basics WEBSITE
 City of Cambpell thanks Rotarians for their help with Parks Projects. Bob Carlson presents Thank You's on behalf of the City of Campbell to Glenn Belshaw, Ken Tavernier, Jessie Consentino, and Gregg Consentino.
VIDEO of Hon. Julia Alloggiamento, Judge of the Superior Court presentation at our regular meeting of August 22nd. Julia was born and raised in San Jose, California. Judge Alloggiamento graduated cum laude from UCLA for undergrad and magna cum laude from UC Law SF for law school. Judge Alloggiamento was sworn in as a Superior Court Judge in January 2011. Her current assignment as of January 2023 is in a Civil Trial Department where she presides over a variety of civil matters including class actions, employment discrimination, and long cause trials involving probate, family law, civil harassment and more.
Thanks to all the members of the Rotary Club of Almaden Valley - Willow Glen who helped with the successful catering of the Ducks Unlimited Sponsor BBQ Fundraiser on August 15th.
VIDEO of our amazing opportunity to partner with Team Depot to beautify FCSN’s Southbay location on August 3rd! Together, we planted over 20 plants and herbs, 2 trees, and laid mulch in both the front and back of the center. A huge thank you to the 35+ volunteers from our Rotary Club of Almaden Valley - Willow Glen, West Valley Rotary Community Corps, The Home Depot Campbell 0642, City of Campbell and Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN) who made this possible. It was a total success!


Theank you notes from the Camp RYLA participants.
Club members and volunteers were at the Almaden Lake on July 27th supporting the San Andreas Regional Center to promote donations to the All Inclusive Playgarden at the 8th Annual Superhero 5K Festival.
VIDEO of Stan Acton presentation at our regular meeting of July 25th on ADUs. He has been a builder since he was 10 years old. It began the day he broke his father’s wooden mallet. The mallet was a family heirloom that Stan’s father had crafted himself on his own father’s antique Shopsmith lathe. Stan was devastated and rushed to grab a hunk of old firewood. He carefully took the wood, placed it on the antique Shopsmith–and in that moment, his passion for carpentry was born.
VIDEO of Dr. Russell Hancock, President & Chief Executive Officer of Joint Venture Silicon Valley presentation at our regular meeting of July 18th. Russell is best described variously: as a civic leader, community gatherer, institution builder, civic entrepreneur, social scientist, and outspoken advocate for regionalism. Since taking the helm he has grown the size of the organization ten-fold; assembled a potent board filled with mayors, CEOs and university presidents; built strategic partnerships; recruited a highly talented staff; founded the Institute for Regional Studies, and launched initiatives that are delivering measurable results to the region.